Friday, January 14, 2011

HELLO 2011!!

Man, I'm a little late, I've been lagging!! Welcome to 2011 y'all! Hope you've been having a good year so far! I sure have!! Let's see, last time I was here it was days before Christmas...well, Christmas was great this year! I have the most amazing family! I am truly blessed, and it went a lot smoother than usual. Which doesn't happen too often with my family hahaha. I didn't get to see my step mom and baby sister, but I sent their gifts back with my brother so my baby girl got all her Disney princess stuff and I got my step mom and her boyfriend a digital picture frame (everyone should have one!!!--i got one this year too thanks aunt Sharron!!!). Got to spend some time with my dad and little brother and sister whom I don't get to see too much! I love being around my family but hate seeing my brothers and sisters get older. And on new year's eve we went to my step dad's aunt's house for snacks, drinks, and games and had soooo much fun!! Perfect way to start off the new year, with lots of love and laughter!:) Have I said how lucky I am?!?! hehe. So since then, my leave of absence at work has been extended because I am not healing too quickly so my doctor is not ready for me to go back to work yet. And I would like to get out of the house and back into civilization but pain wise, I am not ready so I'm out 'til February and at this point I don't know if I'll go back yet, this cold weather does not help me at all!!! And did i mention i can't drive?? It drives me crazy!! lol I have to rely on Jimmy to take me everywhere(poor guy! lol) I need some sort of independence!! lol

Well, let's see... what else is new?? OH YEAH!!! Jimmy's friend and his wife had a baby boy last Thursday, and let me tell you, he is soooo precious!! Little baby Chase:) I am so in love with him! And another one of Jimmy's friend is having a girl in the next 2 weeks, he and his wife already have 2 yr. old twin boys (who are DARLING!!). babies babies everywhere!! I am one lucky girl, considering I do not have one of my own at the moment, now I get to play with one of each!!! Gives Jimmy some practice hehe.
We just got back from a little 4 day vacation to Monterey, and OMGosh let me tell you it was SO nice to get out of the house and be able to relax and just have some fun! It is nice to be home though, it was a nice little treat to go somewhere nice but we definately enjoy it more when it doesn't happen very often! Next trip: 3 day cruise to Mexico for our honeymoon!! Yahoooooo!! lol We can't wait!

So now I'm back on the wedding train, ordered my flowers for the wedding, 3 of my bridesmaids got their dresses ordered, picked up my wedding shoes, ordered invitations, put the deposit down for the venue, now just finishing up our guest list and sending out save-the-dates. I think I'm doing pretty good!:) I have 92 days left til the wedding! Yeah, I said it, 92 days!!! Hope everyone is ready 'cuz it's coming fast! LOL

Hello from Monterey!!

Well, that's all for now, it's time to get started on dinner. Just wanted to give you a little update on what's going on around here! Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

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