Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ok, I'm back....

......With something that will really catch my interest, my soon to be husband, James Joseph Cotter ;)

Here's a little survey I found online that tests just how much you know about the man you're marrying!

Here I go...

Here's a chance to see how well you really know your (future) Husband. Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then forward . . . you know what to do. The real challenge is to send it to your (future) Husband to see how right you really are.

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Law and Order:SVU, Deadliest Catch, Axe Men, Ice Road Truckers, Storage Wars..... he has lots of favorites!!

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? ranch

3. What's one food he doesn't like? tomatoes........and cheesecake (what a freak!)

4. You go out to eat and have a drink.... depends on where we go, but we go to Applebee's a lot and he orders the steak and likes the apple martini's lol or dr.pepper

5. What size shoe does he wear? 10 or 10 1/2....he wouldn't even be able to answer that question, sad when you're spouse knows your shoe size and you don't

6. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? he does collect something.... JOHN DEERE tractors....and lots of other stuff..he's a little bit of a packrat!!
7. What is his favorite type of sandwich?he likes turkey and swiss cheese....i don't know if that's his favorite though!

8. What would this person eat every day if he could? probably french fries lol

9. What is his favorite cereal? i think fruit loops or cinnamon toast crunch

10. What would he never wear? he swears he would never wear jean shorts, he thinks it's weird...give it some time, I'm sure he'll wear them when he's older because he won't care anymore!!

11. What is his favorite sports team? we're not big sports watchers but he like the s.f. giants
12. Who did he vote for? don't know if he did, we weren't together back then.
13. Who is his best friend? I don't know which one of his friends he would consider to be a "best friend" but he has quite a few friends he talks to, but we don't see friends much these days.

14. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Um, I'm sure he wishes I was a more pleasant person LOL I can be a bit of a grouch sometimes and I'm sure he would like me to not nag!

15. What is his heritage? I know his dad is and that's all I know!

16. you bake him a cake for his birthday what kind of cake is it?? we didn't celebrate his birthday last year (we had juuuuust started dating) and his next birthday is a week before our wedding so he'll be lucky if I find the time to make him a cake.... but i'd probably bake a white cake, who doesn't like a white cake? lol
17. Did he play sports in high school? not that I know of, I know he played soccer when he was younger...but i'm sure he just partied in h.s. ( I find this hard to believe, but those are the only high school stories I hear from him LOL)

18. What could he spend hours doing? yard work, watching tv, detailing his truck, playing with the dogs
19. What is one unique talent he has? he makes me very happy:) that may not be unique to others, but it works for me!
Off to bed now, just thought i'd post a little fun quiz just to pass some time!! Goodnight all

so much to do and no urge to do it...

These last few days I have felt so overwhelmed with all the things I need to do, some pretty important things, and I just have had no urge to get anything done!! I know I'm not alone here, procrastination happens to the best of us, but I am just wondering what I can do to light a fire under my own behind!? lol It's 2 o'clock and I am still in PJ's, just goofing around on the internet, printing address labels and ordering more wedding pictures for a scrapbook, one set for me and one for my grandma, and I already have a zillion pictures to start with but instead I'm just sitting here wasting time doing things that I don't need to be worried about. I should be dressed, picking up the house, mailing out my save-the-dates (which at this rate will be sent out at the same time as my wedding invitations!!), getting ready for dinner with my in-laws, and doing some laundry....but no. I don't want to do any of that! I want to relax and just do the things that are of no importance right now. Why is that? It's so frustrating! My grandma is here for the weekend and we have been addressing my save-the-dates and working on my guest list for the wedding (which I'm already over my limit!! ugh.) And every time we start working on it I instantly get frustrated because we've invited so many people and there are still some people that I would've liked to invite but I can't do anything about it and I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt. But I guess it's going to happen no matter what, no sense in getting stressed over something that I just can't do anything about.

My invitations came in and they are going to look soooo awesome!! I'm going to plan a day with my girls to help me put them together and get them addressed. It'll probably be quite a bit of work but I think with a couple sets of hands it will be much easier (especially on me!). I have had this "oh i'll do it myself" attitude and I have brought a lot of stress on myself that could've been avoided if I just asked for help. But I have this problem with asking for help, I don't like to do it, I like to do things on my own to ensure that it will get done and be done the way I like it to be done. Which makes me sound like a brat now that I just said it out loud. But that's just how I feel. I want what I want, I want my wedding to be perfect. I only get this one chance to have a beautiful wedding. And that's how I want people to remember that day, perfect and full of love. Then I will have gone through all this stress for a reason!! lol

So basically I can't even stay focused on this blog right now, everything that I wanted to talk about is gone from my I'm going to make myself get up and get ready before Jimmy gets home and realizes I haven't done anything since he left!! lol

I'll be back soon. Hopefully with more to talk about. Sorry guys.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Simple Livin'

So my best friend told me I need to update my blog, so I figured I'd update on what has been going on with us! I must say, I really hoped I'd have people that would read my blog and be interested in what I have to say, but for some reason I didn't think I would have many things to talk about, I didn't think I would be interesting enough or something, and I think I've done pretty well so far. I didn't realize how much I like blogging and reading other people's blogs! It's the coolest new thing. Now if only I could get more organized and stay on one subject at a time! Lol so far I have gone from renovating and decorating our house, nesting, dogs, vacation, my fiance, my family, babies, our wedding, friends, work, surgeries, and aches and pains....did I leave anything out?? Lol I think I have talked about everything under the sun! I must apologize for that. But I'm glad you have stayed with me to see where I'm going with all my rants and raves!
So now for an update....
  • I went to the hospital yesterday to get blood work done to see how my thyroid medication is working for me. Hopefully I'm on the right track!!
  • I ordered my save the dates and my MOH stuffed them in envelopes, so they need addresses and stamps and they're headed out! WOO HOO!
  • Have had a stiff neck since last bueno!
  • Having a MRI on my back on Thursday to check for pinched nerves in my back because my legs have oddly been going numb...pretty scary.
  • 3 of my girls picked up their bridesmaid's dresses, I must say, they look great!
  • Met with my uncle today who will be marrying me and Jimmy, he made me feel so much better about the timeline of the wedding day...needless to say I have been kind of clueless on the rules!
  • Sent off the paperwork for my passport today, should be in within 4 weeks so we can go on our honeymoon cruise to MEXICO!
  • Our friend's had their little girl last week! Remember I told you we had two friend's having babies this month? one boy, one girl? Yeah, they're both here!! Lots more baby time for us I hope! hehe.
  • I set up my sewing machine in the front living room to start playing and practicing last week, first project: a shopping cart seat cover for babies! I've only got the patterns cut out and the fabric...haven't sewed anything yet!
I went in to Estes Institute of Cosmetology today, I have really been considering going back to school and since I was 12 I have wanted to be a hairdresser and I honestly feel that someone or something has been telling me to follow my gut and do it. It's the strangest thing, but I have to admit that I am quite happy about it. I have wanted to pursue this dream for so long but have been afraid I won't make it big and will have wasted my time (and money!) but it is becoming clear to me that this is what I should be doing. I should be pursuing my dream and should not be afraid anymore. So I'm going for it.... I'm going to work towards my dream. For me. And it feels good!!

Well, that's all the updates I can think of! We haven't been up to too much around here. Just been living the simple life. Just the way we like it!!

Oh, I told Jimmy that I'd tell the world just how wonderful he is, and he truly is. It's still uncomfortable for me to drive because of my knee ( and now I have a stiff neck!!) so if Jimmy has time, he takes me around to run my, doctor appointments, shopping, etc.... I can't begin to say how much I appreciate and love that sweet man of mine!! My grandma always tells me to appreciate the little things, and let me tell you, I certainly do! Ok that's enough about him, I don't want him to read this and get all full of himself!! Lol. Only kidding.

Have a good night everyone and I'll be sure to post after my MRI, maybe I'll be able to read these MRI's better than the ones for my knee!! I want to know what's going on Lol. Hope you're enjoying my page's new face lift! It took me a while to twerk and tweak it the way I want it!!

Off to take a shower and get into bed, going to get new tires on my car tomorrow!! Go ahead and guess how much 4 tires cost for my car?? I am in shock, needless to say it's the first time I've ever bought them!! Lol.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Feelin' a little sappy right now.. might be from the vicodin or something!! lol But I've noticed a change in my fiance lately and I think it's coming from the fact that are wedding is in exactly 3 months, I think he's beginning to get excited and it seems like he expressing himself a little more(which i like!). We picked out our wedding invitations last week, he really likes them! Go, Kendra! lol. I think it's starting to feel more real to him, he's starting to be a little more involved in the planning and giving me his input and FINALLY working on his side of the guest list. Which is a huge stress for me right now!! I have a big family and we are at our maximum right now of number of guests to invite and there are so many people i still want to invite. Any other bride's having this problem? It's so frustrating! But other than that, everything is going so smoothly. I cannot wait to be Mr. and Mrs. Cotter! Kendra Cotter, has a cute little ring to it, don't it?! :) I'm ready to start a new life with Jimmy and our 3 dogs, it's funny how something as simple as a marriage license and a name change(in my case) can totally change a couple's life. It'll be like when we first started dating all over again. Except I have a baller ring now! HAHA.

Anyways, so like I said I have noticed a change in Jimmy, we have been spending a lot of time with his friends lately who have kids (and newborns!! (: ) and of course it's no secret that I really want a baby, but I'm noticing that he keeps talking about babies and that he's ready now too. Go figure! So one of our friend's said that if you hold a baby, you'll have one! I'm sure that's not entirely true but let's just say that baby Chase has been held A LOT!!! He's the sweetest boy and I just love to watch him sleep, he smiles a lot in his sleep which is so precious! I said I wanted a boy and was so set on having one, but I have now come to the realization that I would like a healthy baby, boy or girl. But I have decided that I'm just going to let it happen when it's meant to and not force it, so here's to playing the waiting game. God, please don't make me wait long! hehe.

So as I sit here on the couch in front of the fire tonight with my man and my little dog Sammy, I am realizing how blessed I am, I have such an amazing family, great friends, 2 jobs that are waiting for me to come back from disability LOL, and an upcoming wedding. Life is so great! Hope i didn't make anyone throw up, but I just wanted to take a minute to take a second to appreciate life and tell my hubby-to-be how much i love him! Now if only my knee would stop giving me so much trouble, I mean I had my surgery almost 2 months ago and it seems like I was doing pretty good and all of a sudden I am back to square one again. So I have an appointment this week to get rechecked because I think I might have messed something up somehow. So wish me luck. I also get my thyroid rechecked this week too, so hopefully this medication is regulating my level so I can become a "normal" human being! Yahoo LOL.

That is all, think I'm going to snuggle up and get ready for bed, the pain pill is kickin in and making me sleepy so I'm going to take advantage of it!!

Also, tomorrow is my dad's 44th birthday, so if you know him, drop him a quick "happy birthday!" he's a great guy! and i love him:)

Friday, January 14, 2011

HELLO 2011!!

Man, I'm a little late, I've been lagging!! Welcome to 2011 y'all! Hope you've been having a good year so far! I sure have!! Let's see, last time I was here it was days before Christmas...well, Christmas was great this year! I have the most amazing family! I am truly blessed, and it went a lot smoother than usual. Which doesn't happen too often with my family hahaha. I didn't get to see my step mom and baby sister, but I sent their gifts back with my brother so my baby girl got all her Disney princess stuff and I got my step mom and her boyfriend a digital picture frame (everyone should have one!!!--i got one this year too thanks aunt Sharron!!!). Got to spend some time with my dad and little brother and sister whom I don't get to see too much! I love being around my family but hate seeing my brothers and sisters get older. And on new year's eve we went to my step dad's aunt's house for snacks, drinks, and games and had soooo much fun!! Perfect way to start off the new year, with lots of love and laughter!:) Have I said how lucky I am?!?! hehe. So since then, my leave of absence at work has been extended because I am not healing too quickly so my doctor is not ready for me to go back to work yet. And I would like to get out of the house and back into civilization but pain wise, I am not ready so I'm out 'til February and at this point I don't know if I'll go back yet, this cold weather does not help me at all!!! And did i mention i can't drive?? It drives me crazy!! lol I have to rely on Jimmy to take me everywhere(poor guy! lol) I need some sort of independence!! lol

Well, let's see... what else is new?? OH YEAH!!! Jimmy's friend and his wife had a baby boy last Thursday, and let me tell you, he is soooo precious!! Little baby Chase:) I am so in love with him! And another one of Jimmy's friend is having a girl in the next 2 weeks, he and his wife already have 2 yr. old twin boys (who are DARLING!!). babies babies everywhere!! I am one lucky girl, considering I do not have one of my own at the moment, now I get to play with one of each!!! Gives Jimmy some practice hehe.
We just got back from a little 4 day vacation to Monterey, and OMGosh let me tell you it was SO nice to get out of the house and be able to relax and just have some fun! It is nice to be home though, it was a nice little treat to go somewhere nice but we definately enjoy it more when it doesn't happen very often! Next trip: 3 day cruise to Mexico for our honeymoon!! Yahoooooo!! lol We can't wait!

So now I'm back on the wedding train, ordered my flowers for the wedding, 3 of my bridesmaids got their dresses ordered, picked up my wedding shoes, ordered invitations, put the deposit down for the venue, now just finishing up our guest list and sending out save-the-dates. I think I'm doing pretty good!:) I have 92 days left til the wedding! Yeah, I said it, 92 days!!! Hope everyone is ready 'cuz it's coming fast! LOL

Hello from Monterey!!

Well, that's all for now, it's time to get started on dinner. Just wanted to give you a little update on what's going on around here! Hope everyone has a good weekend!!